How to prepare an Idea for Patentability

A Condensed Guide for Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs


Whether you’re an intrapreneur innovating within a company or an entrepreneur building your own startup, the journey from idea to patent can be challenging. Do not despair! This guide will help you navigate this journey as efficiently as possible.

Idea Generation and Validation

The journey begins with an idea. But not all ideas are patentable. You need to validate your idea, ensuring it’s new, useful, and non-obvious. Conduct a quick preliminary patent search to see if your idea is truly novel. For example, if you’ve developed a new method for data encryption, you’d need to check existing patents and publications to ensure no one else has already patented a similar method.

Documenting Your Idea

Once you’ve validated your idea, document it thoroughly. This includes a detailed description of the invention, how it works, and how it’s different from existing solutions. For instance, if your invention is a new type of solar panel, you’d need to document its unique design, how it converts sunlight into electricity, and how it improves upon existing solar panel designs.

Preparing a Patent Disclosure

Next, prepare a patent disclosure. This is a formal document that describes your invention in detail. It’s advisable to work with a patent attorney or agent for this step, as they can help ensure your disclosure meets all the necessary requirements. Your patent disclosure for the solar panel, for example, would need to include a detailed technical description, diagrams, and an explanation of its advantages over existing technology.

Filing a Provisional Patent Application

To get your idea validated quickly, consider filing a provisional patent application. This doesn’t grant a patent by itself, but it does secure an early filing date, which can be crucial for patent rights. It also gives you a year to further develop your idea and prepare a non-provisional patent application. For instance, if you’ve invented a new type of eco-friendly packaging material, a provisional patent application would allow you to secure an early filing date while you refine the manufacturing process.

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Seeking Validation

If you’re an intrapreneur, seek internal validation for your idea. Present your idea and provisional patent application to the relevant decision-makers. At GE, for instance, there’s an internal panel that validates ideas. If you’re an entrepreneur, you might seek validation from potential customers, investors, or industry experts. For example, if you’ve developed a new fitness app, you could seek feedback from fitness enthusiasts and potential investors.

Filing a Non-Provisional Patent Application

Once you’ve validated and developed your idea, and your provisional patent application is in place, you can file a non-provisional patent application. This is the application that will be examined by the patent office and could lead to a granted patent. For instance, once you’ve refined your eco-friendly packaging material and conducted market research, you would then file a non-provisional patent application to secure full patent rights.


Whether you’re an intrapreneur or an entrepreneur, this fast-track guide should help you quickly validate your ideas and navigate the path to patentability. Remember, speed is important, but thoroughness and accuracy are crucial when it comes to patents. Always consult with a patent professional to ensure you’re on the right track.

Remember, this is a simplified overview of a complex process. Always consult with a patent professional when navigating the patent process.

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